Entrepreneurs’ guide to Making the Best Use of the Lockdown

As the global economy plunges to an all-time low and businesses fall into a downward spiral, COVID-19 is encouraging change at a faster pace than ever before. It is a crucial time for entrepreneurs to tap into their creative space to seek opportunities and solutions to their projects. The lockdown provides valuable time for planning... Continue Reading →

Startups Infiltrating Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities in India

As per the Economic Survey of 2018-19, of the over 16,500 recognised start-ups (as of March 1, 2019), nearly half were from tier-2 and tier-3 cities. Tier II cities like Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Dehradun, Pondicherry, Pune etc. have a population of around one million, whereas minor cities with population less than one million like Madurai, Baroda,... Continue Reading →

Prioritise or Capsize: Guiding Future Science and Research

Over the past few decades, humans have reaped innumerable benefits of drastic technological advancements. Every few generations, emerging technologies converge and the world witnesses a metamorphosis. From scaling the surface of mars, to off-roading in driverless cars, science and technology have transformed the modern world. Yet, one virus brings the entire humanity to a complete... Continue Reading →

Emergence of Legal Startups

INTRODUCTION India has seen many start-ups, which aided in the growth of the economy. In every sector like retail, hotel industry, medicine, education, transportation etc., startups emerged like a boom. The primary start-ups are Flipkart, Oyo Rooms, Chaayos, Ola Cabs, Paytm, Redbus, Zomato, Zivame, Justdial, Pepperfry, LimeRoad, Quikr, Cardekho, Practo, Urban Ladder, Policybazaar, Grofers, Shopclues,... Continue Reading →

Indian Public EdTech Infrastructure

Technology can be a significant enabler for achieving quality education with the attendant objectives of access, quality and equity. For this to happen, substantial investment will need to be made across the spectrum of education, including investment in infrastructure and maintenance, teachers' education, and content and curriculum, all of which is included in the ‘India... Continue Reading →

The Deal between Jio & Facebook explained

INTRODUCTION From earlier days,virtue was attached to businesses that were perpetually in the red; conversely it was sinful for businesses to be in the black. Even today, attitudes, both in government and among the people, haven’t changed. Young inspirational India is comfortable with the idea of industry making profits, generating jobs and creating wealth. Government... Continue Reading →

The Truth Behind Advertising

The Digital age is perceived to have truly been a boon for advertising. Increased access to technology has worked wonders for producers and consumers. All producers have new arenas to showcase their advertisements, which consumers can gain easy access to. The increased visibility has changed the way advertisements are made. This is the age of... Continue Reading →

EdTech: The New Buzzword

It's the first day of school. There are three new students who are sitting on a bench in their classroom. They are excited to start their journey at a well-respected establishment. Each of them is eager to do well academically so that they can get good jobs later and lead a better lifestyle than the... Continue Reading →

Disruptive Innovation

In this fast-changing and fast-paced world we live in, new technology and ideas seem to emerge everyday. Many fizzle out as quickly as they come up, some sustain and gain prominence, and some innovations not only overthrow incumbents but revolutionize the existing market. These are called ‘Disruptive Innovations.’ This term was coined by Clayton Christensen... Continue Reading →

Bitcoin – A Simple Guide

While money has become easier to handle over time, the party that handles it has remained the same. The bank or the internet/mobile banking application acts as a middleman and keeps track of your money for you. This process of outsourcing is expensive and the cost of it is borne by the users. This ‘cost’... Continue Reading →

‘SOCIAL’ization of Business

With almost 3 billion active users, it would be foolish to say that social media has not impacted our lives. Its influence has become so vast that people who are popular on social media are known as ‘influencers’. It has seeped through the cracks to invade almost every aspect of our lives. It is one... Continue Reading →

Why We Need More Entrepreneurs?

Who doesn’t like good food? In fact, the word foodie - a person who really likes food - is a testament to this fact. Waiting for your food really tests your patience, without a doubt. When you’re in a restaurant, you keep eyeing the waiters holding plates full of food, coming your way, hoping it’s... Continue Reading →


Big Data is basically the data which is so massive and huge in size, that it is very challenging for the current traditional tools to process it efficiently. This data may be structured (data that can be easily managed by databases and excel sheets) or unstructured (data which is unorganized and does not fall into... Continue Reading →

The Economics of Artificial Intelligence

AI, the term which is excessively being used these days often brings a lot of confusion to many people, “what exactly is AI?, How is it going to impact our lives, is it something which we cannot understand?, etc.” In this article, I’d explain how AI can have a great impact on industries all over... Continue Reading →

Game Theory & Business Operations

Game theory has been one of those disciplines that have reached phenomenal status because it has introduced concepts and methodologies that are deemed by many to be “game-changers” (no pun intended). When used in the context of business, Game Theory is most often used by business managers to figure out what their collaborators and competitors... Continue Reading →


The Lean Startup provides a scientific approach to creating and managing startups and get a desired product to customers' hands faster. This method gives you the knowledge on how to drive your startup, how to make changes and alterations in the business strategy when required and grow the business with maximum acceleration. It is a... Continue Reading →

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